5 Reasons Why Home Services Marketers Love Baton Leads

Written by:
Phil Kirkeiner
Published on:
June 5, 2024

In marketing, converting every home services lead into a paying customer is a challenge. Some leads are searching for a service not offered by the business in question and as a result, they end up becoming a lost revenue opportunity. Fortunately, Baton helps remedy this by turning non-serviceable leads into money through their simple referral network. 

Here are five reasons why marketing professionals prefer Baton.

1. Turn Non-Serviceable Leads into Revenue

A common problem for home services marketers is dealing with leads that their company can't serve. For example, the lead may be out of the area served or they may seek services that fall outside of what the company offers. Baton helps solve this problem by encouraging marketers to refer these leads to other companies in the network. This way, leads receive the services they need and the referring company earns money for the referral. Hulett Environmental, for example, was able to bring in significant income using Baton's referral system.

2. Get Exclusive, Peer-Vetted Referrals

In marketing, the quality of referrals is very important, which is why Baton strives to provide peer-vetted, exclusive leads that match exactly what the receiving home services company offers (pest control services, HVAC, plumbing leads, etc.). This helps ensure that all referrals are relevant and trustworthy, which creates a network of high-quality lead exchanges.

3. Pay Only for Qualified Leads

One of Baton's best and most valuable features is the fact that home services businesses only pay for leads that meet their specific criteria. This means that companies can spend their marketing budgets more efficiently and get the most out of their investments. These businesses can target pest control leads, wildlife removal, HVAC, and more. Baton works to make sure companies only receive qualified leads every single time.

4. Simple Process & Easy Integration

Baton's platform greatly simplifies the referral process, which can save marketers significant time and effort. The system integrates well with existing programs and workflows, which makes it incredibly easy to use. For example, some of Baton's integration partners include Voice for Pest, Pest SOS, and Briostack.

To get started, users only need to create a profile, define the services they offer and regions they serve, then set the price they're willing to pay for leads. From there, they can either send leads to other companies or receive leads from partners in the industry.

5. Pledge to Protect

Many marketers worry about referring leads to potential competitors, but fortunately, Baton has a solution. Through the platform's Pledge to Protect feature, Baton gives preference to niche-specific, non-competitive service providers. Further, Baton also ensures that referrals are only sent to home services companies that agree to the Pledge to Protect security terms. For greater security, Pledge to Protect records calls and collects feedback to ensure that all referrals are secure and handled with the utmost care.

Baton changes how marketing professionals handle non-serviceable leads and allows them to turn leads into revenue. By providing exclusive, peer-vetted referrals (such as electric or plumbing referrals), a pay-per-qualified-lead model, easy integration, and a strong commitment to security, Baton makes home services marketing efforts more efficient than ever before.

If you’re looking for ways to make money through non-serviceable leads, contact Baton Leads to discover what our team can do for your business.

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